Wednesday, August 16, 2006


There was another bomb. The most recent data says that 7 were killed, and 17 injured.

To think of the families is the most sobering. How they are now forced to deal with such sudden and unfair losses. The majority of Sri Lankans continue with their business as normal - just quickly kissing their loved ones goodbye, and not pausing to think that it might be the last time. I'm sure this makes such tragedies harder. And then there are the injured, some of whom must live with those wounds for the rest of their lives.

We can do a lot to avoid being caught up. Travel only in the early morning or evenings; the attacks (so far) have been in the day time, when the targeted officials are out and about. Travel in cars, not tuk-tuks. Stay inside as much as possible. Away from the centre as much as possible.
This might work in Colombo. But what about the North? This article details citizens fleeing from their homes. In the North, it's not safe at any time of day. How these people get up each day is beyond me. We are so fortunate to be living in the capital ... we must never forget this.

P.S. Thank you for the comments to my last entry - they did a lot to help me reflect on this desperate situation.

I'd expect the fact that people don't spend worrying about it is that 99% of the people will be perfectly fine and as you said about the whole "getting back to work after checking" it seems like they wouldn't want to waste the time, especially as it's a common thing. I don't know, just trying to come up with a theory, like i do about everything.

Just to let you know, term could start 18th September.
(a different anonymous)
Can i please point out there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to be safe and being happy -(Sam i'm glad u are ok and taking good care of urself, when are u back in england?) and yes there are so many horrible things going on and in particular in the jaffna area (up north) and only a minority of this is actually being reported and even less is done so truthfully - my personal opinion is that this war is bigger than any of us. it's meant to be about the people - about freedom and acceptance but all i see is death - the horrible thing is i feel this overwhelming sense of frustration. all i feel i can do is pray, no not just for the sri-lanka civilians but for everyone everywhere - for peace.
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